Rev. Dr. Darryl T. Canady

“If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain…” That thought has been a guiding factor in the spiritual growth and daily life of Reverend Dr. Darryl T. Canady.

He was reared in Kissimmee, Florida, and later in Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Canady received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Banking/Finance from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia; his Master of Divinity degree from Emory University Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia; and his Doctor of Ministry degree from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University in Richmond, Virginia.

In February 2010, Dr. Canady accepted the call to Pastor Rodman Street Missionary Baptist Church in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He offers a fresh perspective for revitalization inside the church and outside in the local and global community. He has instituted Men Only Revivals (H.B.O. HOME BOYS OUT) in an effort to bring men into the security of God’s covering. He started Women Only Revivals (S.H.O. TIME SISTAS’ HANGING OUT) to empower women to be all that God has called them to be.

He has also established Rodman’s Equipping Leadership Academy Year-round (R.E.L.A.Y.) which is developing leaders in all areas of service and discipleship. He also established the Shepherd’s Care Ministry, where lay people provide pastoral care to members of the church and the community. Since his arrival over 1,500 new members have accepted Christ and/or joined God’s army. Pastor Canady has implemented the Community of Hope Vision where our strategic focus is to uplift the people in our church and community through meeting their spiritual needs, generating physical and recreational opportunities, engaging in educational support, providing social and entertainment venues, creating employment and economic development opportunities, and offering health and emotional well-being support through six pillars which lay the foundation of our vision. The six pillars are spiritual, physical & recreational, educational, social, economic & employment, and health & wellness. The outcome will be the creation of the “Rodman Village.”

Dr. Canady, along with his wife, Rev. Taleeta Canady, is the founder of the LIFE Male Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math Academy, the only K-12 male academy with a STEAM-focused course of study in the region. The mission of LIFE Male STEAM Academy is to prepare all male scholars for college success and career readiness. We will also serve as a catalyst to increase the presence of African American males in the STEM pipeline.

Dr. Canady is a very gifted preacher and teacher of the Gospel. He completed the three-year Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention Pastoral Excellence Program and has ministered in several cities across the United States and internationally in Capetown and Polokwane, South Africa, Guyana, South America, and Jamaica, West Indies. He enjoys facilitating workshops on leadership development, male empowerment, marriage and family enrichment, and youth enhancement. His life mission comes from Luke 12:48, “For unto whom much is given, much is required.” Dr. Canady is married to the former Reverend Taleeta LaTreena Smith of Los Angeles, California, and they are the proud parents of one son, Major Alexander, and one daughter Essence Cary.